Friday, 19 February 2016

A New Crafty Start!

So I have been absent a while now and you may know that I have hung up my apron!
There were many reasons behind this decision of which I won't go into here but a few months down the line and I know it was the correct thing to do :)

I am still in firm contact with the cake world and have so many friends involved with cake that I will always have something to say about it but for now I have other plans.

I am now running a successful graphic design business, and as that means I can still be creative I am having great fun especially as most of my clients are cake business related!

I am as always...crafting.

I have been book folding...........

and papercrafting.................

and am enjoying every minute of it!

As I also love to teach crafty things I have also been designing lots and making templates and cutting files as well as book folding patterns.

I have started a new Facebook Group to help others with their folding and have big things on the horizon....exciting times!

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