Saturday, 20 February 2016

Handbags at dawn!

Ok I admit it! I have a serious handbag obsession going on at the moment!

Mr Tiddy will be glad to hear they are of the paper variety as we have no more room for real ones ;)

I decided I would put my shiny new scan n cut to good use and design something useful and pretty so why not gift box handbags, I don't know any girl (big or small) that wouldn't love to get one of these.

Perfect for a slice of cake or sweets, even a lip gloss or soap maybe.

So after a few hours of designing this is what I came up with! A variety of bags!
Now I would like to say I now have this out of my system but sadly not so watch this space for an ever increasing collection.

The SVG Files for these can be found in my Etsy shop (link up top) and a little tutorial for assembly can be found here.
I hope you have fun making your own collection. You can achieve such different results with different cardstock and patterns :)

Friday, 19 February 2016

A New Crafty Start!

So I have been absent a while now and you may know that I have hung up my apron!
There were many reasons behind this decision of which I won't go into here but a few months down the line and I know it was the correct thing to do :)

I am still in firm contact with the cake world and have so many friends involved with cake that I will always have something to say about it but for now I have other plans.

I am now running a successful graphic design business, and as that means I can still be creative I am having great fun especially as most of my clients are cake business related!

I am as always...crafting.

I have been book folding...........

and papercrafting.................

and am enjoying every minute of it!

As I also love to teach crafty things I have also been designing lots and making templates and cutting files as well as book folding patterns.

I have started a new Facebook Group to help others with their folding and have big things on the horizon....exciting times!